What Is Cassia Powder?

What is Cinnamon?

Cinnamon with its full scientific name is Cinnamomum loureirii Nees, actually cinnamon powder. Cinnamon powder is made from cinnamon tree or cinnamon stick in traditional medicine, used as raw material to marinate or mix to create flavor for dishes.

Cinnamon is considered a precious aroma with a strong aroma and spicy taste, cinnamon belongs to the fourth quarter: ginseng - velvet - cinnamon - filler, camphor family (Lauraceae). Cinnamon powder has many applications in food processing and baking, to pharmaceutical applications and in beauty technology.


Cinnamon is derived from?

Cinnamon is usually produced from cinnamon bark, a tree that is suitable in regions with tropical humid climate, heavy rain, lots of sunshine. Therefore, in Vietnam, there are many areas where cinnamon grows naturally, cinnamon can grow best in hilly areas with gentle slope, thick soil layer, moist, humus but good drainage


Cinnamon is obtained by peeling cinnamon bark when the tree has been planted for at least one year, usually taken during the rainy season. It is common for cinnamon trees to be cut near the base to allow the branches to grow in order to obtain more bark. After peeling bark will be left in a cool place after about 2 days will ferment and be used. Once the tree has peeled, a new bark will appear and it may be peeled next year.

How to make cinnamon powder

Preparation of cinnamon bark has done the preliminary stage of cleaning and drying, with large pieces of cinnamon bark, it is recommended to trim the outer horn with a razor to make smooth cinnamon when grinded. Then put the cinnamon bark into the blender, use a sieve to filter through ground cinnamon to get a smooth powder. Store in a glass jar, in a cool place, cinnamon powder can be used for a long time.

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