Plantation and growing of coffee bean in Vietnam

Coffee plants are quite similar to tea plants. The topography need for growing coffee is sloping plain which is also similar for tea plants. The sloping topography is usually chosen to avoid water-logging at the surface. Coffee plants cannot be grown in an area where rainwater gets collected and stands there in such cases coffee plants usually die. The common height of a coffee plant is around two to three feet but it has the potential to grow up to a height of six feet.


For the coffee plantation to begin with the ground need to be plowed at least 3 – 4 times before plantation. After the plantation process gets over a few farmers go for a special technique to grow the plants more quickly. In the case of coffee plantation soil usually requires more moisture and humidity to remain moist. With its growth, the plant bears coffee cherries on it. Those cherries contain the coffee beans from where the coffee is produced.

Processing of Vietnamese coffee cherries

After the plant grows fully matured, at the final stage the coffee cherries are processed to take out the beans from it. The two most popular processes to scratch out the beans from the cherries are :

  1. The dry method
  2. The wet method


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