With the same production method as broken cassia, cassia chips are a top choice in the production of tea bags. With a small size of 2-4mm, granules and high oil content, it is produced from cinnamon of grades A and B to meet the European market and tea bag factories, etc.

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• Product code: MNJ - 020A
• Humidity: up to 13.5%
• Impurities: Up to 1%
• Size: 2-6mm, Granular
• Color: Dark yellow, no mildew
• Packing: 10kg/carton
• Container loading factor: 13 tons/20FT, 28 tons/40FT

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With the same production method as broken cassia, cassia chips are a top choice in the production of tea bags. With a small size of 2-4mm, granules and high oil content, it is produced from cinnamon of grades A and B to meet the European market and tea bag factories, etc.

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